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Center child rearing and community affairs in the workplace under the integrated cooperation.

5 contains the Department.


- Ministry of Labor.

- Ministry of Social Development and Human Security.

- Ministry of Interior.

- Ministry of Education.

- Ministry of Health.

- Ministry of Labor.



 Ministry of Labor.


Department of Labor Protection and Welfare.

        1. Promote the welfare workers, both on and off for employers. Employees in the workplace.


       2. Promotion center for raising children who labor in the workplace and community affairs to.

Welfare to the labor and family.

       3. Coordinating agencies involved in operations on children in a center party.

Operations and communities.



  Ministry of Social Development and Human Security.


Department of Social Development and Welfare.

1. To permit the establishment of facilities for rearing children.

2. To make excellent advice to operating to quality.

3. To support dietary supplement dairy. Media and Child Development for children was developed.

Body of psychological, social and emotional intelligence.

4. Seminar for owners or users of the site to be party to a child.

Exchange knowledge experience how to develop children and youth to identify quality problems.

Difficulty of operating and editing. To children receiving services has been developed in full capacity.

Of children as valuable.

5. Training to increase knowledge for the practical work of the place for raising children.



 Ministry of Interior.


Department of Local Government.


1. Promote and develop the children's development center. The role and mission.

Local organizations.

2. Synergies in management, child development centers and small local communities.

3. Education and development of effective models of how education development center children.

4. Support the budget allocated to operations in the Development Center children.

5. Improve the quality and standards in education development centers in children.

6. Promote and support child development center to serve small to cover all areas.

Across the country.



 Ministry of Education.

1,. Create policies to promote education in the workplace, youth affairs. 
2. Standards of care for children under the age of 6 years and the standard indicators of development. 
Quality facilities for children in child rearing. 
3. Technical support. Children, youth development model. And research as well as a. 
Involved in the development of mentor teachers. 
4. Monitoring the quality and standards of childhood education. 
5. Promote education outside the school and continuing education in building knowledge. 
Understanding to students. Relevant authorities. And the general public. 
6. Support and participation in improvement. Maintenance, raising children in a center operations. 
Listed established by the Ministry of Social Development. 


 Ministry of Health.


Department of Health.


1. Support knowledge in areas such as nutrition, sanitation food sanitation.

Water and dental health child development, including IQ (IQ) Emotional Intelligence (EQ) and mental health.


2. Support knowledge in the training capacity to increase the child care.

3. Provide guidance centers encourage children to develop standards should center on children's Department.



Child rearing center in the workplace and community affairs.


1. The welfare of workers is very important that employers, human resource management processes.

Must create incentives for employees. Welfare of many forms, both management and activities such as shuttle - submit set work of organized sports, etc..

2. Child rearing center in place operations is another form of welfare that employer.

Should focus as established So.



Benefits of raising children in a center operations.


1. Building morale in the work to employees.

2. Strengthening warm family to be employed in child care closely.

3. Building a good relationship. Mutual understanding between employer and employee commitments.

To the agency.

4. Building employee participation. And proud to be part of the center.

Raising children.

5. Reduce conflict. Traffic - and the lack of work out.

6. Employees to work hard. And yields a good performance to their employer.



Process operations.


1. Explore the needs of employees. Employees in the workplace affairs. To prepare children.

And set the number of children to an area.


2. To provide location-based operations center raising children in the workplace affairs.


2.1 Location area not in risk areas, including oil, gas, chemical transfer.

Or toxic air pollution and excessive light and noise standards. If you can not avoid.

To have measures that prevent accidents conditions. Standards set.


The average area of approximately 2.00 square meters per child 1 people provide the area.

And outside the building clean and safe. Suited to children's activities is as follows: Play to learn.

Eat sleep and clean the body separately accounted for. The dining room and lavatory accommodation, child patients.


3. Management.


3.1 provide the necessary personnel in operations and development for raising children, such as owners.

The nurses who care for children of hospital. The learning activities of children.

The cooking. The cleaning staff, etc. The other one. May serve more than one, but must be reserved. Appropriate to the number of children. Or employee may use the facilities operations.

Act as appropriate.


3.2 Properties of child care centers in raising children in the workplace and community affairs.

- Must be at least 18 years old.

- Healthy in body and soul must pass the health examination before operation.

- A secondary school qualifications and 3 years have trained on.

Nurture and develop children.


3.3 Ratio between the children with child care.

- Children age birth - 2 years 1:3 ratio.

- Children age 2 - 3 years 1:8 ratio.

- Children age 3 - 4 years 1:12 ratio.

- Children age 4 - 6 years 1:20 ratio.


3.4 Permission center services, raising children raising children under 6 years children.

Of 6 or more people must be allowed to establish. Permission to establish contact licenses held.

Set at.

- Central to apply for Social Development and Welfare Department at Tel. 0 2659 6107,.

Or call 0 2659 6113.

- Authority to apply at the Office of Social Development and Human Security.

Province at the Provincial.


4. Agencies have established agency training / courses for child care / programs.

Care children are as follows.


4.1 Ministry of Social Development and Human Security.

- Department of Social Development and Welfare.

- Provincial social development agencies.


4.2 National Institute for Child and Family Development, Mahidol University province.

Nakhon Pathom.


5. Integrated agency collaboration in providing advice and support to promote the organization.

   Set in a children's party center operations are as follows.


5.1 Department of Labor.

- Department of Labor Protection and Welfare.

  Labor Welfare Division.

  Tel. 0 2245 6774, 0 2246 0383.

- Labor Protection and Welfare of the area.

- Office of Labor Protection and Welfare Province.


5.2 Ministry of Social Development and Human Security.

- Department of Social Development and Welfare.

  Bureau prevent and resolve trade women and children.

  Tel. 0 2659 6107, 0 2659 6113.

- Labor Protection and Welfare of the area.

- Office of Social Development and Human Security province.


5.3 Ministry of Interior.


- Department of Local Government.

  Agency coordination and development of local education.

  Tel. 0 2241 9021-3 to 116, 120.

- Provincial Administration.


5.4 Ministry of Education.

- Office of the Permanent Secretary.

  Policy and strategy.

  Tel. 0 2628 5638-9 to 42, 46.

- Education Council Secretariat.

  Tel. 0 2668 7123 to 243.

- Office area of study.

- Office of Inspector-General County inspection.


5.5 Ministry of Health.

- Department of Health.

  Tel. 0 2590 4255, 0 2590 4261.

- Health Center at 1-12.

- Public offices across the country.

       > Municipalities.

       > Administration of Sub.