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Welfare workers is any action. Whether the employer. Union (employees) or the government intends to employees can have a good level is reasonable. The well-being and physical health and a good heart. Safety at work. Is making progress. Stability in the lives of not only the employees but their families as well as by the employee to be on welfare in the workplace is. Department of Labor Protection and Welfare its mission as follows: 3 reasons.

         • define and develop the welfare model. 
• Support and promote actions to be welfare. 
• work with or support the work of other relevant agencies or assignments.


Identification and development of the welfare model. 
Under the mission to define and develop this form of welfare. Welfare workers are split into 2 types. 
• Welfare workers by law. 
• Welfare migrants from outside the law. 
Welfare workers, as required by law. 
The benefits have been considered as a necessary foundation for business employees in the workplace. The laws applicable to workplace operations with one or more employees from 1 to the welfare of this type is the Interior Ministry announced it set about health benefits for employees. The announcement has the details and the form of welfare workers to place operations must provide the following summary. 
1. That employers provide drinking water for the toilet and lavatory must be as hygienic and sufficient quantity to employees. 
2. The employer must provide services to assist employees when danger or illness experienced in first aid or medical treatment. 
1. Workplaces with employees working from ten or more. Must be factors in first aid. 
2. Industrial workplace. In addition to the factors in first aid (1) and must provide medical facilities and medical care following. 
• If the employee works in the same time, two hundred more to be delivered.

                   (A) medical room with one bed Double room patients. The need for adequate medical and health care.

                   (B) the hospital and at least one person.

                   (C) current medical plan at least one class to a medical examination from time to time. 
• If the employee works while one billion people or more must provide.

                   (A) hospital bed with two bed room patients. The need for adequate medical and health care.

                   (B) the hospital at least two people.

                   (C) current medicine class at least two people in a given time in normal working hours each time, not less than two hours.

                   (D) vehicle ready to deliver hospital employee sent the hospital or Health class that the employer has agreed. To health care employees who have experienced harm or illness promptly.

         However, the Minister of Labor has signed a ministerial regulation on welfare in the workplace by 2548 BC businesses will take effect instead of Interior Ministry announced it set about the health benefits for its employees since the Sept. 25, 2548. Beginning Labor Protection and Welfare Department of the mission following 3 reasons.


Article 1 of the employees in the workplace. Employers to provide. 
1. Drinking water for at least one employee for not more than forty people. And an increase in the ratio of one employee for every four to ten fragments of forty people, if more than twenty to forty people are. 
2. Bathroom and lavatory, and a number set by the law on building control and related laws. And maintenance to clean the sanitary conditions in every day. Employers to provide bathroom and separate toilet room for male employees and female employees. And in the case of employees who are disabled. Employers to provide toilet and lavatory for the disabled, especially the separation.


Article 2 of its employees in the workplace. Employers to provide the necessary aid and. Health care following. 
1. Workplaces with employees working from ten up. To provide pharmaceutical and drug use in first aid in sufficient amounts. At least the following items.

            (A) scissors.

            (B) glass and glass mixture tablet.

            (C) brooch.

            (D) cup of water.

            (E) the drug labels.

            (F) mercury temperature measurement.

            (G), blunt tip pliers.

            (H) stretch fabric billion.

            (J) fabric triangle.

            (J) hoses staunch squeeze.

            (K), cotton cloth and blankets form interface plaster bandage the wound closed.

            (L) Drug drop tube.

            (M) wax pain swelling.

            (N) Tingehars iodine. Poly switch or touch - iodine.

            (O) liquid policy switch hit - iodine species laundering wound.

            (At) powder, sugar, minerals.

            (With) something rash that is not from infection.

            (Want) something allergic.

            (If) rouge solve rash itching.

            (You) Yatatu red water.

            (December), analgesics and reduce fever.

            (A) drug treatment scald wound.

            (Home) drugs reduce acid in the stomach.

            (Year) liquor ammonia aroma.

            (Past) alcohol rub the wound.

            (Training) taper button eyes.

            (May) eye wash cup.

            (Software) Ngmkrd MAVERICK Tab Clear eyes.

            (VAT) eye drops.


         2. Workplaces have employees working in the same time, two hundred or more must provide.

            (A) drugs and drug use in first aid by (1).

            (B) medical room Double room with one bed patients. Pharmaceutical and drug than those set forth in (1) necessary and sufficient for the initial treatment.

            (C) a nurse from the hospital to the techniques at least one time work. 
(D) current medical plan at least one class. To make medical treatment at least twice a week and the total time must be not less than six hours per week at work.


         3. Workplaces have employees working in the same time, one thousand or more must provide.

            (A) drugs and drug use in first aid by (1).

            (B) medical room Double room with one bed patients. Pharmaceutical and drug than those set forth in (1) necessary and sufficient for the initial treatment.

            (C) Hospital care techniques from higher levels of at least two people are always running.

            (D) current medical plan at least one class. To make medical treatment at least twice a week and the total time must be not less than six hours per week at work.

            (E) vehicles which are ready to send the employee to the hospital for medical treatment was promptly.


3 employer may make an agreement to send the employee to receive medical treatment with healthcare. Open round the clock service and a hospital that employers may be sent to an employee. Medical care by the ease and speed. Instead of providing physicians in accordance with Article 2 (2), or Article 2 (3) must have permission from the Director General or the assignment.

Promoting and supporting action to the welfare. 
Year 2541 Labor Protection Act defined in Section 96 to the employer's business establishment that has employed 50 people from the need to provide welfare committee in place operations. Includes employee representatives parties. At least five people. By the Welfare Committee in the affairs of the corporation elected by the General Rules and Procedures set. And in the workplace if employers are a matter of law that the Board employee with Labor Relations Board and the employees. Act as a welfare committee in the workplace affairs. This Act.

         The spirit of the Welfare Committee was established to promote bilateral system allows employees to have. Discussions with employers in other welfare. In addition, the law appropriately to workplace affairs. And welfare of employees themselves want. But employers are not managing a single department. But is not interested employee. The opportunity for employees to demonstrate. And hear information from employers that can offer benefits or not. To support labor. And claims settlement issues labor dispute, but preliminary. The Board of Directors, such duties are required by law (Section 97) as follows. 
1. Engage in discussions with employers to employee welfare. 
2. Advisory and suggestions profit employers in welfare for employees. 
3. Monitoring and controlling the welfare of employers provide to employees. 
4. Offer comments. And ways in which welfare benefits for employees on workers welfare committee.

         Welfare Committee in the workplace affairs. Virtual medium is to be broadcast needs. Welfare of employees, employers know. Joint consultation and provide feedback as well as overseeing the welfare check. Within the workplace because of business law (Section 98) also requires that employers must provide the meeting with the Welfare Board in place operations at least once per three months. Welfare Board in place or when. Operations than half of all directors or union requested a reasonable reason.


         The law defined such as a promotion. And to support the welfare of workers. Presence in the workplace. If the workplace does not matter the penalties are both fine and imprisonment. In addition to these events. Welfare Division, Department of Labor is welfare workers to labor with. The budget is supported by the Government together with the 2 events. 
1. The children center campus Sirindhorn of the Royal College Royal Patronage. By the Center of the Royal. Of HRH Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn. Very Siam Royal. With his desire to have the care of the child labor in the New Zone. Others place operations more parents are able to work without worry worry about raising children before. Their old school. The current center. 2 children in this manner can provide the care center and a children's children. Labor by the approximately 1,300 people receive support from the government budget and contributions from the labor of parents of children matched another. Operations center and 2 under the supervision of the Department of Labor Protection and Welfare. Labor Welfare Division. Sirindhorn Foundation and the Royal College of royal patronage. 
2. The Fund for labor. Working capital is allocated by the government to borrow through cooperative labor savings in the workplace, business and state enterprises. To develop a working capital, including labor income and savings and to relieve debt through labor savings cooperatives. The funds for labor will have to borrow at low interest rate of 2.25 percent. 
Work with. Or support the work of other relevant agencies or assignments. 
In addition to these actions. Promoting the welfare and support beyond the law. Also to public officials into the business establishment to introduce various forms of welfare. The law does not. Defined, but if the workplace is a matter well enough to provide to meet the needs of employees. Welfare Act in addition to the Labor Welfare Division offers a choice for enterprise business more organized. Is divided into major categories as follows. 
1. Welfare-oriented development of employees. 
• promoting education both in and outside working hours. 
• Establishment of school facilities. 
• Training knowledge about working in and outside the workplace. 
• providing a library. View or read, etc. etc.. 
2. Welfare to assist in living expenses. 
• the establishment of cooperative stores or shops welfare. 
• The grants such as wedding, funeral of initiation. 
• administrative expenses running. 
• organizing campus. 
• to provide a shuttle - sent. 
• cost of living bonus premium to shift industrial value. 
3. Benefits to help the employee savings. 
• savings cooperatives. 
• Fund. 
4. Welfare developed family of employees. 
• housing, raising children of employees. 
• medical help people in their families. 
• Tuition assistance for children of employees. 
• Life insurance for employees. 
5. Welfare that promotes stability in the future. 
• pension. 
• reward long. 
• the employee purchase of company stock. 
• Fund cremation. 
• loans to welfare housing. 
6. Recreation and Health Welfare. 
• Tours arranged. 
• Games. 
• event staff parties. 
• Educating health care.