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Minimum wage

New Minimum Wage Rate Table

Under the National Wage Committee's Notification on Minimum Wage Rate (No.10)

Published to be Effective on January 1, 2020

User Manual


 Download National Wage Committee's Notification Re: Minimum Wage Rate(No.8) 
 Download Wage committee announcement on minimum wage rate (No.7) and Explanation and Summary of minimum wage rate 2013 ,Entered into force 1 January 2013  
 Download Wage committee announcement on minimum wage rate (No.6) and Explanation and Summary of minimum wage rate 2012 ,Entered into force 1 april 2012 
 Download Wage committee announcement on minimum wage rate (No.4) and explanation. 
 Download Notification of the recommendations on wage adjustments in 2552/2553 to private sector employment.
 Download Notification of the wage on the minimum wage (No.3) and explanation.
 Download Notification of the recommendations on wage adjustments in 2551/2552 to private sector employment.

 Download Notification of wages subject. Minimum Wage (No.2), and statement with tables showing the minimum wage. And enforcement (from 2516 - present).

 Download Notification of wages subject. Guidelines 2550/2551 annual adjustment of wages to private sector.
 Download Ministry of Labour on. Minimum Wage (No.8) and explanation.
 Download Ministry of Labour on. Minimum Wage (No.7) and explanation.
 Download Ministry of Labour on. Wage Labor and the standard explanation.
 Download Ministry of Labour on. Minimum Wage (No.6) and explanation.
 Download Ministry of Labour on. Minimum Wage (No.5) and explanation.
 Download Ministry of Labour on. Minimum Wage (No.4) and explanation.
 Download The results of the Workshop. The minimum wage rate.
 Download Table shows the minimum wage and enforce (since 2516 - present).