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Deputy Labour Minister Visits Pak Nam Po to Develop the New Generation of Farmers

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                The Deputy Labour Minister visited Nakhon Sawan province to give words of encouragement to agricultural workers for development towards agriculture 4.0.

                On September 11, 2020, Deputy Labour Minister Prof. Narumon Pinyosinwat visited Nakhon Sawan, where Deputy Prime Minister General Prawit Wongsuwan presided over the state’s transfer property lease agreement to the people. Many of the leases were for agriculture. The Ministry of Labour, therefore, introduced technology related to agriculture to recommend to the public for higher productivity and to help reduce production costs.

                Activities that the Ministry of Labour brought to the service people in Bueng Boraphet, Nakhon Sawan, today, included the Nakhon Sawan Provincial Labour Office providing services to take complaints and reports, the Nakhon Sawan Provincial Employment Office providing career guidance and recruitment services, and the Nakhon Sawan Skill Development Institute introducing unmanned aerial control technology (drones) for agriculture to advise interested farmers. Technology can be used to reduce production costs. The Department of Skill Development, together with Aero Group (1992) Co., Ltd., organized training to educate workers in the agricultural sector. The Nakhon Sawan Provincial Labour Protection and Welfare Office also gave advice and complained about employment conditions from both formal and informal workers.

                The Nakhon Sawan Provincial Social Security Office provided knowledge about benefits to insurers and promoted applicants to become insured under Section 40. The Center for Safety at Work, area 6, shared information about using chemicals in agricultural work.

                Prof. Narumon said that the advancement in digital technology today has allowed farmers to become Smart Farmers. The government, led by Prime Minister and Defense Minister General Prayuth Chan-ocha, has entrusted his concern to all the farmers and hopes to see modern farmers with knowledge and skills to develop their careers. This will promote farmers to have increased income and reduced expenses by introducing innovations for use. The unmanned aerial vehicle control (drone) for agriculture is another option for farmers to increase agricultural productivity and speed. The Department of Skill Development, therefore, continues to develop skills to provide knowledge in such matters so that farmers can apply their knowledge to become farmers in the agriculture 4.0 age and add new courses that truly meet the needs of agricultural workers.

Division of Public Relations
11 September 2020