Today (Mar 25, 06) at 14.00 , H.E. Police General Adul Sangsingkeo, Minister of Labor, together with management team at the meeting room, the 5th floor of the Ministry of Labor were convened to monitor the progress and evaluation of the registration of migrant workers after adjusting the procedures and open 24 hours from March 23, 2018, which showed that the employer had taken foreign workers to register at One Stop Services (OSS) especially the OSS center in Bangkok, 4 of Chonburi, Chiangmai, and Ranong. Gen. Adul has revealed according to an assessment of the opening of the service registration of foreign workers, 3 nationalities at the OSS found that the progress of foreign workers who have to make history records of 1.68 million people have been processed 798,828 people still have 888,645 (Information on March 24, 2018), which is expected to be completed on March 31 this course.
H.E. Police General Adul added that the Ministry of Labor has added more channels to register for convenience. On Monday, March 26, 2018, employers and entrepreneurs can register online at from 08.30 am until 24.00 pm on March 31, 2018. This will be a very convenient channel. Simply enter your 13-digit ID number for the employer or corporate registration number or passport number (Foreign employer) and 13 digits of the employee (if any) with the contact number. It is also possible to submit documents at the provincial employment offices in all provinces and the Bangkok office area 1-10, which will help reduce waiting times at the OSS center. For OSS, there is a high density of migrant workers waiting to make the document. Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Labor and the inspector of the Ministry of Labor traveling to the area to manage the mobility. It will coordinate the staff and area of the adjacent units to accommodate the location. The people in the meantime to be in good hands.
If you have an employer or entrepreneur in your area, please call Hotline 1506, press 2, or call the center for online labor report numbers, call 0-2248-7290.