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Labour Minister Carries out PM Orders for MOL Officials and Staff to Work from Home to Prevent Covid-19

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         Labour Minister Mr. Suchart Chomklin reported that the Ministry of Labour has carried out the Prime Minister’s orders for government officials and workers in the department to work from home to help the nation prevent and control the Covid-19 pandemic outbreaks until the situation resolves.

         On April 14, 2021, Labour Minister Mr. Suchart Chomklin spoke about the Covid-19 pandemic. The number of infected people has continued to increase and spread to almost all provinces and clusters in many provinces. In this regard, Prime Minister General Prayuth Chan-ocha cares about all civil servants. Therefore, he approved the National Security Council’s request for cooperation by the head of government agencies, emphasizing to government officials in their affiliation to follow individual measures with emphasis on wearing a facial mask, strict handwashing during all activities. Individuals who have entered “risky areas, risky businesses or risky activities” strictly emphasize self-quarantine measures, avoid traveling to public places and follow measures implemented in workplaces and educational institutes. The government has asked to increase the number of employees to work from home to their full capacity, with effect until April 30, 2021, to reduce exposure in the workplace and educational institutes, where there is a risk of infection and to reduce congestion in returning from other provinces after the Songkran Festival.

         Mr. Suchart said that the Ministry of Labour has carried out the Prime Minister’s orders to prevent and control the Covid-19 pandemic by allowing civil servants and staff in the departments in the central region to work from home to their full capacity from April 8, 2021, until the situation has eased. It has also issued a guideline announcement for government officials and officers in affiliation (central region) who are required to isolate or quarantine themselves to observe symptoms, causing them to be unable to perform their duties at the normal locations. Covid-19 surveillance and prevention guidelines are followed by 14 days of self-quarantine for those who have traveled to a risky location or have been in close contact with a person at risk of Covid-19.


Division of Public Relations
14 April 2020