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Labour Minister’s Advisor Emphasizes Labour Volunteers as a Mediation in Promoting Labour Services to the People

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Advisor to the Labour Minister chaired the workshop on the labour volunteer networks empowerment project for the integration of the Ministry of Labour’s missions and the project to promote the prevention and resolution of drug problems in workplaces with less than 10 employees, including the prevention of forced labour or services and human trafficking, in Nakhon Phanom province.

                On February 24, 2020, at 10.30 hours, Advisor to the Labour Minister Assoc. Prof. Dr. Jak Punchoopet presided over the opening ceremony of a workshop on the labour volunteer networks empowerment project for the integration of the Ministry of Labour’s missions and the project to promote the prevention and resolution of drug problems in workplaces with less than 10 employees, including the prevention of forced labour or services and human trafficking in Nakhon Phanom for 2020. A total of 117 people joined the workshop. Nakhon Phanom Provincial Governor Mr. Wisan Prasertsri gave a report on the purpose of the event, which took place at I-Hotel, Tha Kho, Mueang, Nakhon Phanom. The Labour Minister’s Advisor said that at present, almost all government agencies have relied on the mechanism of the people’s network to drive the agency’s mission by using the term “volunteer”, which means those who make voluntary contributions to society. He said that volunteers are essential players in the operations in all areas, whether it is public health, community development, disaster prevention, and mitigation, protecting the environment, security, justice, or labour. Each department will appoint volunteers to help with all operations. It can be considered that volunteers are people with great sacrifice, as volunteers are people who sacrifice their time that should be spent as a career or time from their personal and family lives. They are essential people to the development of the country and a significant force to work with both government and private organizations to help people who are suffering. He further commended all labour volunteers in Nakhon Phanom, because being a volunteer requires public and generous spirit, by joining the Ministry of Labour and acting as a medium for cooperation and surveillance on unfair labour practices. Labour volunteers help liaise with government agencies under the Ministry of Labour and the people who experience labour issues in the community and society. They monitor unfair labour practices of using foreign workers in the area, launch awareness campaigns, and strengthen immunity in drug prevention among employees, in workplaces with less than ten employees, be aware of drug problems. They also give information about the current situation and event to the agencies under the Ministry of Labour prompting to resolve issues quickly.

                Assoc. Prof. Dr. Jak Punchoopet gave a special lecture on “labour volunteers as the driving force of the Ministry of Labour’s missions”. He gave important ideas to labour volunteers to 1) think like a leader, that is to think forward and 2) act as an expert, have knowledge in matters and disseminate that knowledge to others 3) live as a giver, in giving knowledge to others, because knowledge is an endless source of happiness.

At present, there are labour volunteers in all 97 sub-districts and 2 communities in Nakhon Phanom municipality, totaling 99 people. Ten officials under the Ministry of Labour in Nakhon Phanom have also been appointed as mentors in 2020. The Ministry of Labour has important policies that must be continuously implemented using the driving mechanism by volunteers and networks, including the integration of labour services in the area. There is the upskilling of workers to be quality labour project, including the project to prevent and resolve drug problems in labour groups. It also aims to prevent forced labour and human trafficking, as well as problems of Thai workers being deceived to work in foreign countries. The projects further promote, protect and develop informal workers. The Nakhon Phanom Provincial Labour Office was the host in collaboration with agencies under the Ministry of Labour. It created the labour volunteer networks empowerment project for the integration of the Ministry of Labour’s missions to promote drug prevention and resolution in workplaces with less than 10 employees. It is also projected to prevent forced labour or services and human trafficking in Nakhon Phanom for 2020, to develop the potential of volunteers and labour networks in Nakhon Phanom.


Division of Public Relations