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Office of Labour Affairs in Taiwan holds Songkran celebrations

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On April 14, 2013, Office of Labour Affiars in Taiwan held Songkran celebration, Thailand’s New Year, in many major cities under its jurisdiction as part of its effort to promote Thai tradition. Many Thai workers and Taiwanese joined the celebrations.
Office of Labour Affairs in Taiwan and Taiwan’s labour offices held  Songkran celebration for Thai workers and Thai people living on the island in Kaihsiung, Tainan, Douliou, and Changhua. It is part of the effort to preserve Thai tradition.
During the celebrations, many rituals ceremonies and activities were held, including blessing ceremony, “song nam phra” ceremony, rod nam dum hua ceremony, water-splashing, Thai dancing performance, Thai kick-boxing demonstration, Thai food-cooking demonstration, quiz game and concert. At the events, booths were set up to sale food for Songkran revelers, including Thai workers, Thais, Taiwaneses, and other foreigners.
Taiwanese authorities give importance to Songkran Festival. Every year, celebrations are held for revelers. Although, the island faced a water shortage crisis in April this year, the authorities also held Songkran celebration.
The atmosphere of this year Songkran festival was lively like other years. Unlike previous years, authorities put water in buckets for water splashing activities, instead of spraying water from fire trucks to save water.  Revelers, however, enjoyed no less fun. They had an opportunity to relax and celebrate their new year in other country.