Mrs.Petcharat Sinauy, Deputy Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Labor as a spokesperson for the Ministry of Labor, the Labor Ministry’s meeting on December 12, 2017, H.E. Police General Adul Sangsingkeo, Minister of Labor, assigned Mr. Jarin Chakkaphark, Permanent Secretary of Labor to preside over the meeting. The ministry urged the Department of Employment to prepare a progress report on the implementation of the Foreign Workers’ Issue, the Aliens Management Act, and the nationality verification of migrant workers, 3 nationalities, to be submitted to the Cabinet on December 19. He also ordered the Office of the Permanent Secretary for Labor by The Office of International Cooperation followed up the situation and the progress of Thai work in the Muslim countries closely.
In addition, the Permanent Secretary of Labor also understand that the Department of Skill Development has a letter asking for cooperation to the government to grow vegetables in the empty area of the center that would be misleading communication. In this regard, the Permanent Secretary of Labor considers that the Center or the Institute of Skill Development provinces that the area can be used to combine agriculture or the new theories of His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej to provide an example to the people who come to practice skills with the Center or the Institute of Skilled Workers in many provinces. When they find interest and bring back home, it will benefit themselves and their families. By the way I always adhere to that motto. “Do not do what we want to do, but we have to do what the people or the people involved are affected by that action want or need us to do “