H.E. Police General Adul Sangsingkeo, Minister of Labor welcomed H.E.Thein Swe, Minister of Labor Immigration and population The Republic of the Union of Myanmar and the delegation visited and discussed the proof of citizenship of the workers of Myanmar at the reception room of the Minister of Labor, 6th Floor, Ministry of Labor, and checked the operation of the OSS, Ministry of Labor. The two countries are willing to work together to resolve the problem so that workers are protected by law. At present, there are more than 1.8 thousand people waiting to be prosecuted for the nationality test, which will have to be completed by June 30, 2018. They will find ways to prove that they are still alive, How much work is left?, Some workers may return home, and change the status of the visa to know the total number of workers clearly.
Gen. Adul added that in order for the citizenship verification to be completed, the mobile suit will be added to prove the nationality in the area where there are many workers. There are also about 40000 foreign workers to be reported to complete the registration process by 31 March. The capacity of 80 OSS centers are expected to reach one hundred thousand people. For remaining three hundred thousand, there are two options that can be reported at the provincial employment office, Bangkok Area Recruitment Agency 1 – 10 or report online at www.doe.go.th that can use mobile phone to fill out information easily. It now urges provincial labor to coordinate with employers to expedite online reporting faster and easier. The Ministry of Labor will have a database for labor management. The staff will then proceed to apply for a visa to allow foreign workers to stay in Thailand for another 2 years (March 31, 2020). Check your health and get a work permit for another 2 years.
“We have been assigned to the Permanent Secretary, Deputy Permanent Secretary, Director General of the Department of Employment, and relevant parties discussed in detail with the Myanmar authorities to solve the problem of labor. The Thai government attaches great importance to the protection of foreign workers, as well as to Thai workers, in the same way that they are working properly, safe in their work, legal holidays, money, accommodation, and childcare. Keep up the good work. This will also prevent trafficking, ” Gen. Adul said in the end.