The problem of runaway foreign workers has been increasingly severe since Taiwan has opened labour market for foreign workers in the past 10 years. It appears that there are illegal migrant workers live in Taiwan around 33,000 people. The Council of Labor Affairs (CLA) Taiwan reveals that in order to more effectively prevent foreign workers from running away to become illegal workers in Taiwan, it should reduce any inducement causing foreign workers flee from employer and the alien labor brokerage firms should be assumed greater responsibility for managing foreign workers they introduce into Taiwan such as avoid overcharging brokerage fees or avoid recommending the employee illegal work. CLA therefore increases the penalty on any entity and employment agency that commits wrongful act.

Regarding overcharging brokerage fee, the old regulations does not impose fine on foreign manpower agencies in case that they return the exorbitant fees to foreign workers. Under the revised rules, a brokerage firm found to overcharge foreign workers for the first time will see its operations suspended for three months. A six-month suspension will be applied to the second-time violation, and a 1 year suspension will be exercised for the third-time violation.
Once a brokerage firm is found, for the first time, introducing illegal foreign workers to potential employers, then the firm will be forced to suspend its operations for six months. 1 year suspension will be exercised for the second-time violation and the suspension will be extended for 1 year if it found to commit the wrongful act.
CLA indicates that the factor causing those foreign workers fleeing from their employer is complicated. Not only the foreign workers have rights to change the employer but also the brokerage firms should preserve rights and benefits of them in order to reduce such an abusive problem. More importantly, the brokerage firms should not extort and overcharge brokerage fees because the foreign workers would opt to runaway instead of paying a debt.
Once a brokerage firm is found, for the first time, introducing illegal foreign workers to potential employers, then the firm will be forced to suspend its operations for six months. 1 year suspension will be exercised for the second-time violation and the suspension will be extended for 1 year if it found to commit the wrongful act.
CLA indicates that the factor causing those foreign workers fleeing from their employer is complicated. Not only the foreign workers have rights to change the employer but also the brokerage firms should preserve rights and benefits of them in order to reduce such an abusive problem. More importantly, the brokerage firms should not extort and overcharge brokerage fees because the foreign workers would opt to runaway instead of paying a debt.