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Education Minister Chinnaworn Boonyakiat and MOE executives visited Brunei

Warning for Thai massage-Therapist in Malaysia

Office of Labour Affair in Malaysia visits Thai workers in Sarawak

The business of fish farm and date palm garden in Israel

Labour Section of the Royal Thai Embassy in Tel-Aviv visited Thai workers and studied plant propagation in Israel

Health Insurance and Population Aging in Federal Republic of Germany: the Press Conference in the Federal Ministry of Health, Berlin 14 December 2010

Notice for Overstaying Visa in Singapore

Korean Minimum Wage 2011 Announced

The penalties by whipping and execution in Brunei

Workplace satisfaction survey on Thai workers in South Korea

Taiwan’s Perspective: 100th Anniversary of the Republic of China to Mark Peace in the Strait

Malaysia unveils 19 entry point projects under ETP

CLA raises penalty on employment agencies sending illegal workers and overcharging brokerage fees.

Office of Labour Affairs in Hong Kong opens a Cantonese Course for 1st batch student to enroll

Taiwan set to oblige government and private agencies to recruit indigenous people proportioning to 1 percent of the entire number of their workforce

Thai workers in Israel in wholesale and retail florist supplies business